Leader of the segment, The 2021 Toyota Fortuner facelift has been launched in India with prices starting at Rs. 29.98 lakh for the base petrol variant and going all the way up to Rs. 37.43 lakh for the range-topping four-wheel drive (4WD) diesel automatic variant. This time around, the Fortuner range also sees an addition of a sportier Legender variant that's been priced at Rs. 37.58 lakh, (all prices ex showroom, Delhi). The Toyota Fortuner has received a mid-life update after a long span of four years and has been updated with new looks, more features and better performance.

Starting with its looks first, it gets revamped front end featuring a larger grille, sleek-looking LED projector headlights with LED DRLs, sharper character lines, revamped front bumper with larger curtains, slightly smaller fog lamps and silver skid plate among others. There is also a set of new multi spoke alloy wheels and updated wing mirrors. At the rear you will see new LED taillights. 

The sportier looking Fortuner Legender looks even more aggressive upfront sporting a sleeker front grille and taller front bumper. Then there are new quad-LED headlights along with a new alloy wheels. The larger air dam is surrounded by bigger curtains on either side and all the updates do a good job making it look distinct and different from the regular. 
