Jaguar Land Rover India has announced plans to introduce electrified products to its line-up. The carmaker will offer multiple electrified models, ranging from hybrid vehicles to battery electric vehicles, starting from the end of 2019. Keeping in line with the brand's global plan to introduce electrified versions of its entire product portfolio by 2020, JLR India will introduce its first hybrid vehicle in India from the Land Rover brand by the end of 2019. Though not yet confirmed, the first hybrid model from Land Rover in India could be the second-gen Range Rover Evoque. All Evoques get a belt-driven integrated starter-generator that collects energy as the car decelerates, storing it in a battery before deploying it when the car starts or accelerates. The system adds up to 6 percent to efficiency, says Land Rover. Hybrid versions of the Range Rover and Range Rover Sport could also be on the cards.
Come late 2020, Jaguar will bring its all electric i-Pace SUV to India. The Jaguar l- Pace will be the first battery electric vehicle from the brand in the country. The I-Pace EV uses two electric motors, which are placed on each axle to enable all wheel drive. The synchronous permanent magnet motors deliver the equivalent of 400hp and 695Nm and help the SUV achieve 0-100kph in 4.8 sec. A drive in the I-Pace did give a taste of its performance.
According to Jaguar, public charging up to 80 percent capacity on a 50kW charger will take lhr 25min and a 30min charge will give 125km of range. In a statement, President and MD, Jaguar Land Rover India said the carmaker was "encouraged by the introduction of FAME II" and "the focus of charging infrastructure in India." The l-Pace's 90kWh lithium ion battery delivers a range of up to 480km, according to the realistic WLTP cycle.
When launched, the Jaguar l-Pace will take on other luxury EV SUVs like the Mercedes-Benz EQC and the Audi e-tron and will also give a tough competition to the upcoming electric legend Tesla's line up
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